What We Do


Retirement Planning

For some people, retirement may be an eagerly anticipated event, an opportunity to enjoy so many things that working may have precluded--travel, hobbies, and more family time. For other people, even the word "retirement" may conjure up feelings of fear or dread, particularly for those employees who work without the benefit of pension or other retirement plans. Whether you are financially comfortable or are of limited means, however, retirement planning is possible and Prism can help you navigate the retirement planning process.

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Investment and Asset Management

A successful investor maximizes gain and minimizes loss. Though there can be no guarantee that any investment strategy will be successful, and all investing involves risk, here are some basic principles we utilize that may help you invest more successfully. 

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Estate Planning

But what estate planning means to you specifically depends on who you are. Your age, health, wealth, lifestyle, life stage, goals, and many other factors determine your particular estate planning needs.

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Insurance Planning

Whether you wish to provide a tax free income for your beneficiaries, have funds for the payment of the final expenses or estate taxes, replace the income that is lost if you die, or provide a significant charitable contribution, we can help you chose the policy that will fit your needs at an affordable price.

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Tax Preparation and Planning

Effective tax planning is a long-term, year-round process, and cannot be executed in the waning days of December. Tax planning should ensure tax efficiency when handling all elements of a plan.

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Financial Education

A successful investor maximizes gain and minimizes loss. Though there can be no guarantee that any investment strategy will be successful, and all investing involves risk, here are some basic principles we utilize that may help you invest more successfully. Read More...

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